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Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Saturday, April 28, 2007


No Request Is Too Extreme

Girl #1: Thanks, I like being wished on. Well, not wished on, but wished for.
Girl #2: I was wished on in Mexico...
Girl #1, after long pause: Was it the same guy that gave you herpes?

--N train

Overheard by: i thought it was funny....


Sunday, April 22, 2007

she sounds like a little cartman in the making..

Can I Have a Little Childhood, Here?

A stray kitten wanders up to a little girl who bends down to pet it.

Mom: Come on, sweetie, it's time to cross the street.
Little girl, dismayed: But I'm petting the kitty.
Mom: Honey, we need to go. Say bye-bye, now.
Little girl: Goddammit, mommy, I'm petting the kitty!

--17th & 6th

(from Overheard in NYC)

she sounds like a little cartman in the making..

Can I Have a Little Childhood, Here?

A stray kitten wanders up to a little girl who bends down to pet it.

Mom: Come on, sweetie, it's time to cross the street.
Little girl, dismayed: But I'm petting the kitty.
Mom: Honey, we need to go. Say bye-bye, now.
Little girl: Goddammit, mommy, I'm petting the kitty!

--17th & 6th

(from Overheard in NYC)

Monday, April 16, 2007

relax...take it easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

it just occurred to me that a little more than a year ago, i had just moved to charleston and begun a job and possibly a new life. i've been pondering the passage of time - how the pace is deceptive and lull you into a false sense of security. i still remember smells from charleston, the feel of humidity, the burning heat that would waft out of my car at 5 in the evening. the desperate sense of disorientation that i'd feel in the confines of my wonderful apartment.

a job i didn't like. a place where i didn't make too many friends. a place where i lost my job and experienced 2 months of painful confusion regarding my future. not much going for charleston. but there are some things, some experiences and some people that redeem the chucktown experience.
i survived a car mishap on my way to the blasted city for christ's sake!!

life moves fast though. i'm in grad. school now. when i go to websites and have to pick my education level, i automatically reach for the undergrad option. then i have to take a moment and shake my head and pick graduate. its weird. i just watched a video about this couple that's half israeli and half palestinian. basically, they are dogging it out in no-man's land right now and high tailing it out to europe to they can live "normally". one of my first thoughts is, wouldn't you want to avoid dating someone who is obviously going to be so high maintenance? (i don't know what that says about me! nothing good, i'm sure.) also, the dude doesn't speak much other than hebrew and arabic, so what's he going to do in europe? learn the language, i suppose.

funny thing- the heart, if you aren't true to it misery dogs you like its in heat. and if you aren't true of heart, then you're the dog that's in misery. :-) i'm miserable on multiple fronts in my life right now, but still, at the end of the day, as i sit in the kitchen of the new apartment that i've moved into, i thank my stars that atleast i got out of charleston. :-D

Sunday, April 15, 2007

hot damn! happy birthday euler!!

just randomly stumbled on euler's wiki profile.. its his birthday today! he is 300 years old today!! para bens!