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Monday, June 30, 2008

it's true... life will smile for you...

life will smile for yoouuuuuuuuuuu..... *the axwell version of things...*

i've been reading its interesting to see the difficulties that people face and need help with. its also interesting to see the progression in technology and how so many fundamental processes of society have evolved. from writing to an expert at your local newspaper with a question, we've come to the age where you have an audience reach out with a response.

its great to see obviously silly, provocative questions being taken super seriously. sort of reminds me of the academic research arena.

feeling pretty relaxed at 12:20am. been reading a lot of what ails others and makes me realize that i'm not insane in overanalyzing things. i've been working harder at growing a thicker skin and not taking things so seriously. i think the saddest part of this process is having to accept a certain degree of cynicism in my general outlook to accept that some people are unpleasant/useless/generally a lot cause not worth even an iota of one's time. take for example my disastrous superviser for example. every day when i go to campus, i just remind myself constantly that i am not going to be led by a logical person, that i will be underappreciated and in all probability verbally/mentally abused by someone who is so inconsiderate that he doesn't even realize it!?!?

BUT... my salvation awaits me this december. he is a tool to help me get where i want to go. and beyond question, the man has taught me to not underestimate myself in the future and to not settle for less than what i want.

it's true, life will smile for you..

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