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Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

lol... post #200... charleston sucks more than the dyson cleaner...

omg! Four months ago, I never thought I'd blog. Not to put too fine a point on it, I thought it was a slightly loserly thing to do. Rather, I thought I woud do a loserly job of it. Maybe I have, at this point it doesn't matter to me what anyone else thinks - life is too short to get upset about insignificant trivialities. (As opposed to the significant trivialities. I have a lot of thoughts about effective redundancy vs. ineffective redundancy. (Some would argue that ineffective is redundant as a qualifier for redundancy, but we won't get into that! ;) ))

One of the few things that I learnt from blogging is that it is very hard to capture in print the leaps and bounds of the vivacious mind. Fleet of foot... hard to hang on to a single subject or train of thought for longer than a micro-, nano-, pico-, fentosecond! I used to write essays when I was little. Argumentative essays that would attempt to address some issue that I felt strongly about. I would attempt to put in my due dilligence and research the subject, but sometimes I'd basically write whatever *I* thought about it, a virgin document that was as untainted by external bias as possible. Ofcourse, these documents are long since lost, but I remember re-reading them at the end of my freshmen year and thinking, "Boy! Sure, my thoughts were immature, but I had passion!"

I think I am going to wean myself off the blog now and return to writing my essays. (I miss being passionate about stuff in life - I used to debate like crazy when I was in school!! These days, I just feign condescension and intellectual scorn to avoid arguments.) I am also considering applying for an English degree here (part of my "let's not get deported" campaign :P) - after all, I feel like my GRE scores tell me that I am as likely to succeed in liberal arts as engineering. Not that the GRE scores say much of anything that is valuable (not mine, anyway).

I think I am going to refrain from saying all that is on my mind, sometimes a blog isn't the place to state what's on your mind. Suffice it to say that while this labour day weekend was devoid of any in-person, real human interaction I have enough food for thought to last me a week.

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