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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

umm, i think he's hot!! *sheepish smile*

i have seen three movies to date that star david hemmings. 2 of them completely and utterly blow me away! the third one... eh.. it starred jane fonda as barbarella.. and poor old hemmings was cast as dildano (points to DH for having a sense of humour about his career!) ..

i just watched Blow-up! i guess this is the 1 and half-th time that i have seen the movie. i saw the first half of the movie, ooooooh... about 10 years ago!! what can i say about the movie? the last scene is amazing and wonderful and just about sums the entire movie up for me, in the most complete and absolute manner possible.

the other movie that i absolutely love, love, love is called The Walking Stick. i have watched that movie twice in my life, i am guessing its been about 8 years since I last saw the movie. it made such a huge impact on me!! the movie explores the notion of love and faith. there's one line that the hottie utters close to the end of the movie.. and its something i will never forget... he says.. "is love that fragile?"... and i know its a stupid thing to remember or be impressed by.. but the intensity with which he says it will convince even the most cynical person that it is possible to truly, wholy love another human being and make some truly appalling errors in judgement!

the relationship between DH and SE in The Walking Stick is so beautiful - they don't stifle each other, they don't crowd each other out, they have things they share in common and things that they teach each other... i don't know if there are people who really experience that sort of a relationship - a meeting of minds at such an amazing level...

i think david hemmings has truly stunning eyes.. and an amazing presence on the screen. sure he's a little scrawny... but eh *shrug* he sure as hell makes up for it by a lot else..

here's to one slamming hottie.. may the day come soon when i find the dvd of the walking stick!!!

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