Support World AIDS Day

Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006


this overheard conversation reminds me of a conversation i had yesterday about how it is uncivilized to have a kid when you are a kid still yourself... (i agree completely...)

oh, need i say that i think the conversation below is absolutely hilarious and scary because it *could* be true!

It's All About Scheduling, Yo

Counter girl: Did I tell you I almost got locked up last night?
Male customer: Fo' what?
Counter girl: I took my homegirl's car and rode over to my baby daddy's momma house. Po-lice got me going through a light. I was like, "Shit, man, I got weed and a rock in my joint, and my shit's suspended, yo."
Male customer: That's some Cops shit, girl!
Girl: Fo' reals...But I worked my way out with a warning, got my baby, went home, and smoked that shit.

11th Street & F Street
Washington, DC

Overheard by: suddenly not hungry

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