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Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

I moved to Charleston, SC on the 31st of March. This is a land where not having a car will break you. I never realized that moving can be so hard on one's soul. I desperately miss my friends from Atlanta. Also, I am left wondering what direction my life is taking.

I don't want to lose sight of Systems and Controls and the dream of being a hardware oriented person who makes things happen. I rent 890+ square feet of room and find it exceptionally lonely and empty. I probably just need to buy some new books.. I already have a fish. I think a cat would be great company.. but why lie, I will never appreciate the cat to its full potential because I'll have to clean the litter box.

I have met a few nice people here, one of them is an exceptionally brave soul! Poor chap. Here's hoping that I get a car and a handle on my sanity soon...

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