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Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I'm bored.. not much to do..

So, today went by much faster than most days. It may have something to do with the fact that I got to work a little late. Random thought that plays on my mind often - who cares about actual hours spent in the building, its how much work you get done that matters, right? Also, when are they going to institute corporate nap-time?!?!!

I'm amused today. Not at much, except that I feel very, very close to buying a car. I don't know if I am actually close to buying a car, I have given up on cerebral exertion of most sorts so there is no impressively logical reason for my feeling close to buying a car as opposed to knowing that for a fact. Umm, did I make sense in that last sentence? Kind of lost my thread of thought half way through that line.. wonder how the hell I can code modestly complicated statements without screwing them up...hmm...

What do you do when life comes to a standstill? When life gets effectively reduced to five or ten people and two major confines - the office and the Cul de sac (apartment). It would appear that the answer is that you blog and think foolish, idle thoughts about the past, present and the future.

Some other random thoughts:
-- Hindi movies - QSQT was awesome! Anna and Akka fooling me into watching English movies by calling them Hindi movies with Hindi actors who just happen to talk in English was awesome!! Watching a movie on Doordarshan every Sunday with the entire family was awesome.
-- Ashish reads my blog.. I asked him a silly question this morning that I have asked 2 other friends at most (Ashish, I asked because I knew you'd answer - without too much of a fuss). His suggestion that I join the other team has left me reeling with laughter!! Just the thought that it may be the solution, to whatever problem I am supposed to have. Well, all I can say is, Ashish, I hope some day I get to join the other team, but currently it seems like too big a price to pay for too little - who knows what the future holds?
-- How conservative are the young people in India? (I mean my type of young people, yes, I think India is a stratified society with a rigid class structure. ) What happened to the stereotype of the Aadarsh Bharatiya Naari? I guess the hormones are certainly raging in the maatra bhoomi, because we certainly have the population to reflect it, but is everyone quite as casual about things as my conversations with my friends back home seem to indicate?
-- I need to read some new books, need to branch out and read something new. Get some new ideas in the ol' noggin. I hate droll books, who doesn't, I guess!?
-- Ulysses was an awesome poem. Two pieces of literature that influenced my life heavily - Pride and Prejudice and Ulysses by Alfred Tennyson. I hope I never lose passion in life. Without passion, all is gone...
-- Anyone who reads this blog who is not me: I stand by almost all that I say here, but don't judge me for the woeful decrepitude of this space - I started writing here with the intention of not sharing this space with anyone and I guess things have changed since... bottom line, be a friend, don't judge
-- Being a friend means not judging a friend, or if you judge, to accept that it is natural to judge, but that as a friend it is your job to not hold it against the person. Loyalty is underrated.

I think I am sleepy now. I've taken to hugging ol' Fitzy's bowl for support. *wistful sigh*

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