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Saturday, July 29, 2006

i'm done being angry

went for a ride... mr. darcy rocks... my friend called and made a token gesture of peace, i think he is going to come visit not this coming weekend but the weekend after. it'll be good.

found something kind of cool on you tube.. anyone who has watched the Chinpokoman episode of South Park would appreciate it:

I think one of the scenes that I loved the most from this episode was when they all go to the Chinpokoman camp and the Japanese dude says his piece and everyone goes silent, and Cartman says "Dude, is this cool? I can't tell." lol.. it just reminds me of what it was like to be a teenager/younger than that.

The Chinpokoman episode heavily focuses on a certain anatomical feature of the perfidy that is the male of the species. It reminds me of this crazily funny incident that I heard from a friend, who I shall not name in order to protect her honour. She was expounding her theory to me, over ice-cream (ofcourse, crazy conversations and ice-cream go together, like dutch chocolate and strawberries!), that guys with small thingies basically have issues and that guys with big thingies don't. (I will refrain from commenting on this theory, since there is a dearth of scientific proof to support/disprove the same.) She told me about the first time that she saw her first boyfriend's thingy. (She didn't like the dude, she had already moved past him at this point.) She said, that she looked at it and thought to herself "is that it?". LOL ROFL LMAO

All I could say was "Gee, I hope you didn't tell the poor b*stard that to his face." And she hadn't. It has to be one of the funniest things I have heard while enjoying some good ol' marble slab ice-cream.

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