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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

the problem with being a parasite...

you become a burden to your friends.. you become an energy sapper.. not someone who gives people energy.. i understand that everyone goes through highs and lows... and that when you are down, it helps to have someone there for you... but sometimes.. you can't snap out of your lows.. and chronic depression endears you to no one but the shrink who makes $150/hour listening to you.. :)

where does one draw the line between needing help and becoming a parasite? i don't know.. i think i might have crossed that line in the recent past.. but i sincerely hope i didn't. it is wrong to manipulate people/ impose on the goodwill/lives of those who are nice enough to help you. i hope i never do it. i hope i always keep my dignity and help myself each and everytime that i can. i hope that i pay forward the favours of others.

hope i never abuse a friendship...

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