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Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Bored enough to start telling stories..

OK, its 12:18am - I have to leave my apartment in less than 5 hours for work and I can't sleep! So, I trawled a few blogs, just to see what's out there.. people write a lot of truly tedious stuff!! I suppose not everyone can keep up with scintillating material such as this blog's.

Anyway, the point of this post.. is that the next post is going to be a story. I shall add one new line to the story each day. There shall be no premeditation involved in this story, its a thought experiment, if it fails.. I'll blame it on Charles-boringass-fuckswithyourmind-ton. I apologize for the language , its hard to keep the profanity at bay when your life has become an endless game of "what can i do today so i don't die of boredom".

Here's to some sleep..

Oh! I promise to not kill the main character off in some freakishly, faux-humourous manner.. if the character dies, you can assume that it moved to Charleston and was too bored to remember to breathe.

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