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Thursday, June 15, 2006

happy 50th post.. belated..

this is the 52nd post for my little blog. not all of them have been published... but still.. who would have thought that whatever i am going through over here would have lasted this long? things are what they are.. and i suppose they will be what they will be...

wanted to say that i saw the newer season of that 70s show on tv while i was working out.. its really rather sad.. the show's writers have abandoned their standards.. where are the people who wrote that line.. "'coz you're breaking the band, yoko!!!!" i absolutely love that line.. its simply brilliant beyond words..

i love aretha franklin.. her version of "I say a little prayer" is the best i have ever heard!!

page 60ish of the cloud atlas.. its really starting to pick up too.. think i am going to start doing the book a week thing again. amazon prime rocks!

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