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Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Friday, June 02, 2006

I can't think of a title.

I love the courier font. If I could figure out how to make it the default font for my damn blog, I would. As things stand, I settle for having my thoughts be splattered across the ethernet in the font whenever I remember to change the font before publishing the post.

So, I guess I will get the unpleasant subject out of the way. Something has gone terribly wrong. My plans regarding something very important have undergone a radical revision. I am cagey enough to not mention details here, and probably unless you are very close, I won't in person either. Suffice it to say that my cerebral cup overfloweth and I am perturbed.

Ambient moments. Interesting things. Real! I can tell you that from experience. Unsettling. Some cheap, philosophical thoughts that don't say much about me that is flattering:

- If you take a moment to find the peace within your surroundings and make the effort to see some beauty, you will. Life is bursting with wonderous moments that will make you gasp with astonishment and rejuvenate your jaded soul.

- A smile really does go a long way, most of the times anyway. Sure, I don't like most people I meet! I guess I am negative in that, and even worse, I trust the nobility of intentions or goodness of heart of even fewer still. However, having said that, I will also say that I have met more people that I liked than I had time to invest in, so.. where does that leave me?

I watched a bird dip around a very lame pond today. It was a little white bird with a lot of energy! It would dip into the pool and then fly a little loop and then come back in. I couldn't tell if it was fishing for some food or just trying to cool off in bursts and spurts.


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