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Sunday, June 25, 2006

foot in mouth disease = story of my life

verbal diarrhoea.... spoken incontinence... whatever you want to call it.. for someone who loves words so much, they definitely desert me when i need them to form a single coherent thought..


go listen to the paul macartney track from The Lake House soundtrack.. redeem a few precious minutes of your life from the mindless drivel that you subject it to day in and day out.. and oh, if you go watch the Lake House, don't be an ass and rip on the plot line issue, some movies don't need a damn plot line, it is the fricking thought/feeling behind the effort that is the point.. i heart The Lake House! (should I go watch it a second time ?) probably not good for my brain right now... but its *such* a good movie!

(pssst.. I know claire and bobby live and die by the rottentomatoes rating, so please don't tell them i said this.. but rottentomatoes gave TLH 39%! it sucks!!)

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