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Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

those days when you wish you couldn't type/speak

i'm experiencing one of those days when i wish i couldn't communicate my thoughts, or some of them, to people. not that i am claiming that i communicate what i think to people effectively on any other day. no, my miscommunications would outnumber the alligators in this city, would outnumber the cumulative number of milk teeth being broken across this universe and all other exisiting universes, would outnumber the count of times that i have replayed the paul mccartney song from the lake house soundtrack, would outnumber the times that i thought typing in all lower case was cooler than speaking in leet... you get the idea.. i am sure..

i feel caged. in so many ways. (i'm not going to launch in another tirade about how many ways, who has the patience?) i feel impatient, insecure, alone, lonely, inferior, insane, stupid, unhealthy, insolvent, incompetent, inept... why am i miring myself in this negativity?!?!

fudge... fudge.. fudge....!!!!!!!!! wish i could exorcise the demons of my mind!

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