Support World AIDS Day

Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

i will survive!! i will survive!! i will survive!!

to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield...

its time to move beyond this place. i must admit, i am a little upset! however, some insane part of me is really, really relieved that charleston, sc is not my final destination (well, for the next few years, anyway.) ofcourse my financial plans are completely in disarray and i am in some serious doodoo right now. for one, i haven't told my family! (the official excuse is my brother's recent dental surgery.)

:) i have just typed, retyped and erased my words for the past five minutes. its not like me to be lost for words! i *always* have something to say. this place has left with me with more questions and confusions than i thought would be possible for some podunk city in south carolina to throw my way.

i would say that my situation is cut and dried, but really, who knows what is playing on the Life channel tomorrow? maybe i'll meet some mexican who wants to have babies with me and some how miraculously happens to be a legal citizen of this country! ;) (oh, and wants to marry me.. no point in meeting a legal citizen mexican otherwise.. )

good thing i booked the guster tickets etc. last week, would not have spared the money for it this week!!

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