Support World AIDS Day

Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006


I just watched Syrianna. I haven't made up my mind about it yet, the movie has such a strong bias that its hard to determine its merit. The good news is that I can watch it again tomorrow.

I made a resolution a few hours ago. I am going to limit myself to one post to the blog in every two days. I am not going to indulge in being upset about my situation. Right now, I need to be strong and get my act together and make some really important stuff happen. I need to be positive and be aggressive about my future.

So, goodbye bloggy, for two sweet days. See ya Tuesday. Just keep your fingers crossed that I don't hit a hat-trick and have something else that feels like a car-crash happen to me. (For those who have lost count - #1 car spinning on the interstate #2 having to face the possibility of going back home!)

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