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Mercifully not stranded in the seaward C-word any more!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

wow! all it took was one assholish comment!

that's right.. one comment is all it takes. i *finally* see the light!! i feel much calmer now. sure i feel a little angry (mostly with myself for my ridiculous behaviour and for being such a chump!), but all the same, got to admit, its great to step out of my confusion. my question wasn't answered, but knowing that the other party honest to god doesn't care about my mental health or existence lets me know that this can't be a friend! a friend would have spared me the two minutes (taken away from lofty ambitions of curing cancer et al) to answer and explain and make me understand.

i went to the local barnes and noble and bought 2 books. life is too short. if indeed i am to spend my last solvent days in the doodoo-hole that is this town, i am going to make sure that i am not more miserable than i have to be!

i recently joined a martial arts class. i suck at it! but, its so graceful and demanding! i have never had a problem with being the laughing stock of the class, because i know that the people that matter know better. it is indeed true, the people that matter, know better. those that don't, don't matter!!!

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