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Monday, August 14, 2006

a post about the blogs i read...

I think the greatest source of entertainment is watching another human being. (And on extremely rare occasions, it can be a true treat and reward to interact with one, but those are a once in a 6 month sort of affair. Fewer still make the cut of "decent friend to have". Anyway, I digress.) Granted, most human beings probably aren't ideal candidates for this sort of entertainment, especially if your sense of humour is as sophisticated, finicky and intelligent as mine! :P

I love blogs for the insight they provide into people. Sure, I know that not everything said on a blog is true, I blog too! It is still fun to read other people's blogs. I have a list of about 6 blogs that I check once a week for any updates. One of them is a serious blog by a teenager in the UK. He writes about politics etc. His political views are extremely radical and disturb me, but atleast he puts a lot of thought into it and has a logic to his beliefs. I will listen to anyone who has anything to say, hysterical or not. (As long as it doesn't border on bigotry, then I will listen but not respect as much.) Another is a school chum's blog. She is studying in NYU and I have always wanted to live in NYC. Then there is my friend vaiby's blog. Hasn't been updated in sometime. And, then there is Germ Boy's blog. Germ boy is someone I recently met in the doodoo-hole that I have the happiness of calling "home" right now. There is also my friend Ashish's blog. Ashish is in India on a mission of mercy.

But the star of my repertoire of blogs has to be the blog run by two guys who live in DC. Its called DC Gays of our Lives!! I have never had a gay friend in my life that I was close to. Don't know how that happened, just did. I have always wanted to know more about that community. Wonder if the metrosexual male is an urban legend and if all metrosexual males are actually gays in denial? Anyway, these guys (Chip and Dale, ofcourse!) are so awesomely punctual with their blogs. I am always assured of something new and insightful!! Its like being at the receiving end of an extremely gay and flaming thumbs-up. :-D

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